How Periodontal Disease Is Treated

Periodontal disease not only decreases the aesthetics of your teeth and gums, but it can increase your risk of serious health problems. Once periodontal disease is identified, working with your periodontist can resolve most problems. Periodontal Cleanings The first step in addressing periodontal disease is to remove the tartar buildup that is causing inflammation and to rehabilitate your gums. This involves deep cleanings, which are more extensive than standard cleanings done every six months. Read More 

What’s The Difference Between Dental Flosses?

One thing that your dentist likely to tell you to work on at home between appointments is flossing. While you may be given some tips on different flossing techniques that can help you get the tartar out much easier, you may want to take a step back and look at the type of dental floss that you are using. Here is the difference between tape and braided styles of dental floss. Read More 

Is Breastfeeding as Damaging to Baby Teeth as Bottle Feeding?

In general, breastfeeding can have a positive impact on a baby's oral health. In fact, studies found children who breastfed exclusively were less likely to have bite issues (e.g. overbites, crossbites) than those who didn't. However, while breastfed babies don't develop cavities as often as those who are bottle fed, breast milk can still be just as damaging to baby teeth as baby formula. Here's what you need to know to protect your child's teeth and gums while they're nursing. Read More