4 Tips For Treating Your Sensitive Teeth At Home

If you wince with pain every time you bite into something sugary or cold, you may suffer from sensitive teeth. Although the condition can be caused by a variety of things, you can treat your symptoms at home. Using the four tips below will minimize your sensitive teeth's impact on your life.

Wait Half An Hour Before Brushing After Eating Sugary Foods

Sensitive teeth are often caused by a breakdown of your surface enamel from eating sugary foods. Because of this, your first reaction may be to brush your teeth right after eating a piece of candy or cake. However, this could damage your teeth even more.

While the sugars are still fresh, they are abrasive. If you brush your teeth immediately after their consumption, you could wear down your enamel even more. This will only increase your teeth's sensitivity.

Instead of brushing right away, wait a half hour to allow your saliva to break down the sugars enough that they will not cause any damage. If you feel the need to get rid of the sugars in your mouth, drink a small glass of water. Not only will it rinse your mouth, but it will stimulate the production of saliva and speed-up the process.

Brush Your Teeth With Baking Soda And Peppermint Oil Paste

When you brush your teeth, use a homemade paste made with baking soda and peppermint oil. The bicarbonate in the baking soda will help rebuild your enamel. The peppermint oil will numb your teeth's exposed nerves and desensitize them to the pain. You can buy the oil at pharmacies and many grocery stores.

Mix a teaspoon of baking soda and five drops of peppermint oil in the palm of your hand. Using a soft-bristled toothbrush, brush your teeth with the paste for at least two minutes. Let it stay on your teeth for another minute. Then, rinse with warm water.

Rinse With Warm Salt Water After Every Meal

After every meal, rinse your mouth with warm salt water. This is especially important when you eat acidic or sugary foods. Salt provides your teeth with a powerful cleaner that will not harm the enamel because no pressure is used. If you wish, you can also add a few drops of peppermint oil to numb any discomfort caused by the foods.

In a small glass, mix together an eighth of a cup of warm water and three tablespoons of salt. Let the salt dissolve for five minutes before using.

Once the time has passed, rinse your mouth with the water for two minutes. After you spit it out, do not rinse your mouth, eat, or drink for at least 15 minutes. This will give the salt additional time to kill any germs or dissolve any stuck-on food.

Coat Your Teeth With Dental Wax Before Meals

If you know you will be eating foods that irritate your sensitive teeth, coat your teeth with dental wax before you begin eating. This will provide a temporary barrier that will prevent any sugar or acids from touching your enamel. Dental wax can be found in pharmacies and department stores.

Take a chunk out of the can, enough to roll into an inch-sized ball. Split the ball into two pieces and roll them out into a snake shape. Place the first roll on the bottom teeth and spread it so it covers them. Then, repeat with the top teeth

Following the above tips can help keep the discomfort caused by your sensitive teeth to a minimum. However, if you start to find your symptoms unbearable, you may want to talk to your doctor from a site like http://www.centennialdentalcenter.com about your treatment options, ranging from a prescription toothpaste to the application of a sealant on your teeth.
