5 Genetic Oral Disorders

When it comes to genes, some people get the short end of the stick. Some people are not as tan as they wish to be, while others literally do get the short end of the stick: they're short! There are also those who are prone to genetic oral abnormalities or disorders. These abnormalities range from everything like slight aesthetic disfigurations to some truly horrible abnormalities that may make living life a difficult proposition. Listed here are 5 genetic oral abnormalities with which you may wish to make yourself familiar: anodontia, hypodontia, amelogenesis imperfecta, supernumerary teeth and canker sores.


Anodontia usually does not appear on its own, but rather is part of a larger skin disorder called ectodermal dysplasias. Anodontia manifests itself as the complete absence of primary and secondary teeth. Although there are some cases where patients with anodontia are only missing a few of their teeth, or in some cases, lacking all of their teeth except for a few, such as their molars or wisdom teeth, it is actually far more common for sufferers of this disease to possess no teeth. People with anodontia often get dental implants to replace their missing teeth, or they may opt for dentures. Unfortunately, anodontia is something that you are born with and it can't be prevented.


Hypodontia is somewhat similar to anodontia. However, it need not occur in tandem with ectodermal dysplasias. Rather, hypodontia is the absence of up to five permanent teeth, excluding the molars. It is sometimes associated with a number of other disorders, such as Down syndrome. Like adontia, there isn't any way to prevent hypodontia, and most patients suffering from it must invest in false teeth to correct this problem.

Amelogenesis Imperfecta

Amelogenesis imperfecta is a rare disease where the enamel on the teeth develops in a way that is entirely abnormal to the way it should be developed. The enamel of the teeth will either never fully develop, or not develop as strong as it should. Enamel is largely protein based, and those who suffer from amelogenesis imperfecta actually lack many of the key minerals that should be present in the enamel of teeth. This can actually cause the teeth to become weakened, making them more susceptible to damage and cavities.

Supernumerary Teeth

Supernumerary teeth, which is also known as hyperdontia, is actually the opposite disorder to its sister malady, hypodontia. Hyperdontia manifests itself as the presence of too many teeth in the dental arch. This can pose numerous health problems for the person suffering from supernumerary teeth. For example, an excess number of teeth can damage the mouth, overweigh the mandible, causing it to become sore and tired, and even pierce the inner mouth or tongue.

Canker Sores

Canker sores are among the most common maladies that affect oral health. A canker sore is not one specific problem, but rather is a blanket term that refers to any ulceration that exists within the mouth. The open sores are not contagious and are actually benign, but they can often times present themselves as an annoyance or present the sufferer with a slight pain. They are also, strangely enough, inheritable. Those individuals who are more susceptible to canker sores can actually pass this gene down to their offspring.

As you can see, there are a few problems that you can actually inherit from your family. If you are suffering from any of the above, talk to your dentist about different treatments and remedies. Although you might not be able to prevent these genetic issues, you can help stop them from ruining your oral health. For more information, contact a local clinic like Dentistry For Children & Adolescents.
