4 Tongue Diseases You Should Know About

Tongue disease can be a horrible phenomenon from which to suffer. There are a variety of different types of tongue diseases that can all affect your oral health in a myriad of different ways. Tongue disease can prove to be a very serious health issue and should not be ignored. This brief article will serve to inform you about various tongue diseases that you can contract, how they can affect you, and, in some cases, how you can begin to treat the phenomenon.  

Caviar Tongue

Caviar tongue is a vascular disorder associated with aging. This disease (which is actually, more or less, truly a disorder) is not actually life threatening or substantively impeding to your health in any way. However, it might provide some cosmetic concern for a few. After the age of 50, many people are affected by this condition. It occurs when the purple veins under the tongue become somewhat inflamed and take on the appearance of caviar.

Hairy Leukoplakia

Hairy leukoplakia is actually an effect of another disease that is far more wide-ranging than hairy leukoplakia itself, the Epstein-Barr virus. Hairy leukoplakia is directly caused by the Epstein-Barr virus, and is especially prevalent in individuals with compromised immune systems. Hairy leukoplakia refers to a hairy patch of white fungus-like phenomena that occur on the side of the tongue. This white patch cannot be scraped off by conventional means, and the appearance of hairy leukoplakia dissipates as the Epstein-Barr virus itself is treated.

Oral Candidiasis

Oral candidiasis is a form of candidiasis that forms on the tongue. It is a mycosis — a yeast infection of the mouth. The early stages of oral candidiasis are not considered a disease. However, when Candida host species of bacteria becomes pathogenic and invades the mouth, then there is time for worry. The effects of oral candidiasis are far ranging, but some of the most common effects of the disease are the appearance of lesions on the inside of the mouth and tongue and a film that develops on the tongue that may cause foul smelling breath.


Glossitis does not actually refer to one particular phenomenon that is centrally located at the tongue, but rather a series of symptoms that might be caused by any range of a constellation of problems. Generally speaking, glossitis refers to a general inflammation of the tongue. Usual symptoms of glossitis include swelling, inflammation and pain whenever the tongue is used in any one of its primary functions, such as eating and speaking. Glossitis is not considered a serious issue, but a visit to the doctor should be in order if the pain persists.

Melkersson-Rosenthal Syndrome

Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome does not directly affect just the tongue, but the consequences that it has for the tongue are far reaching and can be quite serious. It is usually associated with face paralysis and problems affecting the lips, such as immobility or general stiffness. However, this is not to say that the tongue is not greatly affected by the appearance of Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome. Rather, Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome can create fissures and channels in the tongue, which can make every day activities such as speaking and eating quite the chore. Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome should be dealt with via holistic treatments rather than just examinations of the tongue.

Tongue disease is no laughing matter. Listed in this brief article were 5 tongue diseases that you should know about. If you suspect that you have any of these issues, please contact your dentist as soon as possible — you can go to this website to start a search for local dentists if you don't currently have one. He will be able to properly diagnose your tongue issue and help you treat whatever may be ailing you. 
