What Warrants a Dental Emergency?

When it comes to dental issues, it can sometimes be challenging to determine what constitutes a dental emergency. While some problems can wait for a scheduled appointment with your dentist, others require immediate attention to prevent further complications. Understanding what warrants a dental emergency can help you take the appropriate steps to protect your oral health.

Severe Tooth Pain

One of the most common signs of a dental emergency is severe tooth pain. If you experience sudden and intense pain in your tooth or gums that doesn't subside with over-the-counter pain medication, it could indicate an underlying issue such as an infection or abscess. In such cases, it is crucial to seek immediate care from your dentist to address the problem and alleviate your pain.

Broken or Knocked-Out Tooth

A broken or knocked-out tooth is another situation that necessitates prompt dental attention. If you fracture a tooth due to trauma or injury, it's essential to see your dentist as soon as possible to assess the damage and determine the best course of action. Similarly, if a tooth gets knocked out completely, you should try to preserve it by keeping it moist and contacting your dentist immediately for potential reimplantation.

Swelling or Abscess

Swelling in the gums, face, or jaw can be a sign of an abscess or infection in the mouth. Abscesses are pockets of pus that form due to bacterial infection and can cause significant pain and swelling. If you notice swelling accompanied by fever, difficulty breathing or swallowing, or a foul taste in your mouth, seek emergency dental care right away to prevent the infection from spreading.

Persistent Bleeding

While minor bleeding after flossing or brushing is common, persistent bleeding from the gums could indicate gum disease or other underlying issues. If you experience unexplained or excessive bleeding from your gums that doesn't stop after applying pressure, contact your dentist for an urgent evaluation and treatment.

Lost Dental Filling or Crown

If a dental filling or crown falls out unexpectedly, it can leave the affected tooth vulnerable to further damage and decay. Without the protective covering provided by the filling or crown, the tooth may become sensitive to temperature changes and more susceptible to bacterial infiltration. In such cases, schedule an emergency appointment with your dentist to have the restoration replaced promptly.

If you experience any of these emergencies, don't hesitate to contact your dentist for immediate care. Prompt intervention in dental emergencies can help alleviate pain, prevent further damage, and preserve your oral health in the long run.

Contact a practice like Lapeer Family Dental to learn more. 
