Why Invisible Braces And Orthodontics As An Adult Can Improve Your Self-Esteem

Most people fix their crooked teeth when they are young to make sure that they don't become a problem when they are adults. However, many people either couldn't afford to get them fixed or who developed crooked teeth as an adult. In this situation, your self-esteem may suffer, meaning that high-quality invisible braces and orthodontics are necessary. You May Develop Crooked Teeth As An Adult It might be hard to believe, but you can develop crooked teeth as an adult. Read More 

A Possible Connection? Your Heart Health And Dental Health

If you're like most people, brushing your teeth and seeing your dentist and hygienist regularly is important to you. But if you're honest, brushing and flossing after every meal probably isn't a habit you are succeeding in 100 percent of the time. As the American Dental Association currently recommends brushing at least twice a day and flossing once, that's okay. Did you know your dental habits and health may be related to your heart health, however? Read More 

3 Lifestyle Factors That Can Affect Dental Implant Surgery

If you are considering dental implants, you can rest assured that the procedure is generally very safe. and the complication rate is considered low. While most people usually sail through their dental implant procedures, there are certain lifestyle factors that may hinder the healing process. Here are three lifestyle factors that can adversely affect your dental implant recovery period and what you can do about them: Cigarette Smoking Smoking cigarettes can damage capillaries, including the tiny capillaries in your tooth sockets. Read More 

Have To Have Your Teeth Removed? 3 Benefits Of Choosing Porcelain Veneers To Replace Them

If your dentist has told you that you have to have your teeth removed due to a dental problem, such as periodontal disease, you have different options to replace them. One of these options is porcelain veneers. No one will be able to tell you are wearing porcelain veneers because they look like your natural teeth. To help you decide if you would like this below are three benefits of choosing veneers over other replacement options. Read More 

3 Mistakes to Avoid When Trying to Maintain Your Invisalign Trays

If you have recently been fitted with Invisalign, you were probably attracted to their ability to straighten your teeth while being practically invisible. However, if you make the mistakes discussed below while taking care of or wearing the trays, you may wind up with dirty, very visible trays that could detract from the beauty of your smile while wearing them. Leaving Your Trays in Your Mouth While Brushing If you are in a hurry in the morning or stick to the recommended routine of brushing your teeth after every meal, you may be tempted to simply brush your trays while they are still in your mouth. Read More