Are Your Damaged Teeth Ruining Your Beautiful Smile? See The Major Reasons Why You Need To Invest In Dental Crowns

Cracked, decayed, misaligned, or stained teeth can ruin your social life. They will destroy your attractive smile and lower your self-confidence. Moreover, damaged teeth will restrict you from enjoying certain foods due to oral problems such as pain. Luckily, you can use dental crowns to restore your beautiful smile and oral functionality. Dental crowns are reliable and versatile dental caps that will protect your teeth by encasing them. They will strengthen your teeth and protect them from further damage. Read More 

Signs Your Teen Needs To Have Their Wisdom Teeth Inspected By The Family Dentist

If your teenage children are lucky enough to not have any wisdom teeth at all — 35% of people have no wisdom teeth — then you won't have to worry about them having their wisdom teeth addressed or taken out in the future. However if your teens have one or more wisdom teeth, odds are that they'll have issues down the road that your family dentist will need to check out. Read More 

Signs You Need To Have Your Wisdom Teeth Removed

If you are starting to feel sensitivity in the back of your gums, then it is likely that your wisdom teeth may be decaying. Wisdom teeth do not serve many purposes because your molars are all you really need. When your wisdom teeth begin to come in, they can shift the entire alignment of your teeth. If yours have started to become sensitive and you are not sure if you should get them removed, then take a look at some signs that you need to have them extracted. Read More 

Tooth Rebuilding Before A Dental Crown

Dental crowns can only be effective when the tooth they're actually crowing has a solid foundation. Minor imperfections that might jeopardize the crown can easily be corrected, and this can involve using dental cement to fill cavities and blemishes. Sometimes the deterioration of the tooth is too extensive for these methods to have the necessary effect. In this case, your dentist might suggest a dental core restoration to build up the tooth, allowing it to have the required strength and size to be crowned. Read More 

3 Helpful Services Your Dentist Can Provide

Ideally, you should have your teeth cleaned by a dental hygienist at least once every six months. If you attend your biannual dentist appointment for your cleanings and x-rays, you may assume you're getting everything possible out of your relationship with your dentist. However, there are additional dental services your dentist can provide that might benefit you. Here are three dental services you may not be taking advantage of: 1. Teeth Protection for Sports Read More